Tuesday, June 1, 2010

What's Up With the Weigh Down Diet? - Pasma, JOFMM - Spring 2004

Heidi and her husband, Trevor, have been members of the local
Weigh Down Workshop and they both have seen tremendous
results. So much so, that Heidi just became the local WDW coordinator.
Now she’s come to talk to you, pastor, about starting a
workshop in the church. You’re not really against the idea. In fact,
it’s hard to argue against success, not just in weight loss, but in the
newly-found enthusiasm for God and the joy this couple exhibits.
This seems a cut above the usual Christian weight loss programs.
Yet the choice you and the leadership must make may just be the
choice between some minor irritations in the congregation and
potential disaster.

This short article seeks to alert you to the “potential disaster” to
your congregation that lurks in WDW. Given space limitations, this
cannot be a detailed discussion of a popular weight loss program,
but it can at least alert you to the risks you run by giving this program
official recognition or encouraging your congregants to

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